This past week was week 8 on the DFMC training schedule and the first weekend group run with the DFMC team. Mike made it to the 10 mile run at the Mount Auburn Club in Watertown where he met fellow teammates and enjoyed the post run buffet of snacks. The route brought him out into Newton and over the infamous "Heartbreak Hill". One of the really great things about the DFMC training program is the number of training runs they have on the actual Boston Marathon course. The value of knowing the course mentally can't be over estimated. Especially Heartbreak Hill, which really isn't just one hill, it is actually a series of 4 hills that occur between miles ~16 and 21. Heartbreak is the last of this series of hills and isn't even that big! It rises only 88 feet over just under a half mile but it comes at absolutely the worst time in a marathon experience, right when your body runs out of fuel and you hit the mental wall. When you run Boston this is where the real work begins. Here is a fun fact according to wikipedia:
"The nickname "Heartbreak Hill" originated with an event in the 1936 race. On this stretch, defending champion John Kelley caught race leader Ellison Brown, giving Brown a consolatory pat on the shoulder as he passed. His competitive drive apparently stoked by this gesture, Tarzan Brown rallied, pulled away from Kelley, and went on to win—in the words of Boston Globe reporter Jerry Nason, "breaking Kelley's heart."
Sharon and Christine on the hill up to Balboa Park in San Diego
While Mike was back in Boston braving the ice and cold training last week, Heidi, Christine and Sharon were on the road for work and ran in California. Big hills were a common theme on their runs too! Heidi spent the week in Palo Alto CA where she ran the hiking trails in the "Dish" at Stanford University. She reports the hills here made Heartbreak look tiny. During the week Sharon and Christine were in San Diego for a conference and went on several sunrise runs with co-workers Eric and Shuhao (thanks Shuhao for being the official Team Donahue photographer in San Diego!!). Their route frequently ran from Harbor Island up into Balboa Park. This involved running up a hill nearly 300ft high!!

Heidi on the Coastal Trail on "hill" number 2
After a fun week of running in sunny San Diego, Sharon headed off to Colorado where she hit the roads to train at altitude and Christine joined Heidi in San Francisco. Christine and Heidi went on their first ever trail run at Muir Beach. They ran a 7 mile course over the Coastal Trail and Tennessee Trail where they enjoyed spectacular views of Pirates Cove. While the scenery was beautiful and the run was fun, they weren't too crazy about the giant hills, over 1000 feet high!!
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