Hyannis Half Marathon!!

Team Donahue took time off last weekend from the DFMC group runs and headed to Hyannis to run the Half Marathon. Sharon had run the Hyannis Half for the past 2 years and always had a great time, which inspired all of to sign up to run this year. Mike was originally going to participate as part of a relay team for the full marathon but things didn't work out and he ran the half as well. The weather forecast during the week suggested it might not be that great for a run but it turned out perfectly, overcast and cool. The rain held off until after we finished! Before the race we picked up our numbers and race t-shirts at the Hyannis Resort and Conference center.

The course is scenic running through Hyannis along the coast to Craigville beach. Passing by the summer home of Christine's college roommate, where she had spent many adventurous weekends, details of which she is reluctant to share....Everyone had a great time and run with Christine & Mike running personal bests for a half marathon!!

This weekend we were back running with the DFMC team. Mike ran 20 miles for the first time ever!! Sharon, Heidi and Christine ran 18.5 miles. The DFMC coach told them it was an 18 mile course but we all know that he adds just a little extra to make sure we get our miles in. Luckily, the run was on Saturday so we were able to avoid yet another weekend run in the SNOW!!! Spring can't come soon enough for marathon training!

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